The National Digital Library of India” (NDLI) was organised on 16 Sep 2021 by the library Committee of DAV PG College under the ageis of IQAC of the college. The guest speaker was Dr. Sanjiv Saraf, Deputy Librarian, of Central Library, BHU.The Special Virtual lecture was presided by Dr. Satya Gopal Jee, HOD of Psychology Department. At the beginning the convener of the library committee Dr. Anup Kumar Mishra welcomed the guest and presented the theme of the lecture. This special virtual lecture was conducted by the organizing secretary of the lecture. Dr. S.D. Singh, Principal , DAV PG College, was the Chairman of the special lecture. Shri Ajit Kumar Singh , Secretary, DAV PG College were also present and they gave their kind blessing conducting the programme. Mrs. Ruchi Bhatia and vote of thanks was proposed by the staff of library Mr. Saurabh Pratap Singh.
Dr. Saraf discussed important point about NDLI and emphasized that NDLI being a virtual repository of learning resources provide a host of service for the learner community. NDLI provides user group-specific services such as examination preparatory for school and college students, services for researchers and job opportunities for general learners. It is also designed to hold content of any language and provides an interface support for 10 most widely used Indian language. It provide support for all academic levels including researchers and life- long learners.
Dr. Sanjiv Saraf further explained the participants about the institutional registration of NDLI and told the method to get the NDLI institutional as registration of NDLI is an important aspect.